Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait). |
Posters Presentation: We recommend the poster presenters to stand in front of their poster in order to enhance fruitful discussions |
Posters Schedule:
Session 1: POSTERS SET UP: May 23 (Tuesday) – before the first coffee break // POSTERS DISMANTLING: May 24 (Wednesday) – after the morning coffee break
Session 2: POSTERS SET UP: May 24 (Wednesday) – after the morning coffee break // POSTERS DISMANTLING: May 25 (Thursday) – after the morning coffee break. All posters should be removed within 1 hour after the coffee break. Any question, please contact organisers onsite
Other info: To each poster will be assigned a number. You will find double side tape in the registration desk to hang your poster. |
Check the number assigned to your poster at the entrance of the exhibition and posters hall. |
** We would like to inform that abstracts won't be listed in the QUANTUMatter 2023 booklet if the registration fee is not paid until Monday, May 08, 2023. ** |
POSTERS Session I (62) |
24 |
Nico Ackerman (UAM, Spain) |
Dynamical parity selection in superconducting weak links
25 |
Abhishek Agarwal (National Physical Laboratory, UK) |
Modelling non-Markovian noise in driven superconducting qubits
14 |
Juan Rafael Alvarez Velasquez (C2N, France) |
Administering an antidote to Schrödinger´s cat
26 |
Andreu Anglès Castillo (Universidad de Valencia, Spain) |
Dynamical decoupling on a superconducting qubit with a microscopic fluctuator-induced noise model
15 |
Pierre Azam (Institute of Physics of Nice, France) |
Quantum simulator with hot atomic vapors
27 |
Anirban Bhattacharjee (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India) |
Towards on-demand, all-to-all connectivity in a superconducting qubit network using a ring resonator based coupler
1 |
Martin Bohmann (Quantum Technology Laboratories , Austria) |
Advances in entanglement distribution from space
9 |
Maarten Bolhuis (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Mapping Strain in van der Waals Nanostructures with Nanoscale Resolution Using 4D STEM
28 |
Gaurav Bothara (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India) |
Small scale quantum processor with Heavy-Fluxonium Qubit
10 |
Abel Brokkelkamp (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Edge-Induced Excitations in Bi2Te3 from Spatially-Resolved Electron Energy-Gain Spectroscopy
29 |
Giorgio Canalella (National University of Singapore, Singapore) |
Cavity universal control with quantum gates: ECD and CNOD gates at comparison
30 |
Roberto Capecelatro (University of Naples "Federico II", Italy) |
Tunable 0-pi Josephson devices with ferromagnetic insulator barrier: the role of spin orbit interaction and lattice impurities
31 |
Lorenzo Carosini (University of Vienna, Austria) |
Programmable multi-photon quantum interference in a single spatial mode.
16 |
Daniel Carrasco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Temperature dependent Ga2O3 refractive index for nanowire-based thermometers
32 |
Gianluigi Catelani (Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates) |
Quasiparticles in Superconducting Qubits with Asymmetric Junctions
33 |
Wei Pin Chua (National University of Singapore, Singapore) |
Introducing flux-tunability in high-Q superconducting cavity devices
34 |
Alba Crescente (Università di Genova, Italy) |
The power of photons: Cavity-mediated energy transfer between quantum devices
35 |
Gaia Da Prato (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Towards non-linear optomechanics with single erbium ions
36 |
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo (University of Trieste, Italy) |
A novel approach to noisy gates for simulating quantum computers
37 |
Josu Etxezarreta Martinez (Tecnun-University of Navarra, Spain) |
Multi-qubit time-varying quantum channels for NISQ-era superconducting quantum processors
38 |
Pablo Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Homomorphic Encryption of the k=2 Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
39 |
Fernando Gago-Encinas (Freie Universitaet, Germany) |
Controllability and Dimensional Expressivity: Two Sides of the Same Universal-Quantum-Computing Coin
40 |
Lluc Garcia-Gonzalo (IDEADED, Spain) |
Highly Adiabatic Time-Optimal Quantum Driving at Low Energy Cost
41 |
Giulia Gemme (Università di Genova, Italy) |
Qutrit quantum battery: sequential vs coherent charging
42 |
Niklas Glaser (Walther-Meißner-Institute, Germany) |
Tunable-coupler mediated multi-qubit controlled-phase gates with superconducting qubits
2 |
Daniel Gómez Aguado (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) |
Madrid QCI: a QKD network infrastructure
11 |
Hugo Gómez Torres (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , Spain) |
Measurement of heat capacity in transition metal dichalcogenides by pulse heating technique
3 |
Vicente Gonzalez Bosca (CSIC, Spain) |
Simulating realistic effects on MDI-QKD
43 |
Manuel Gundín Martínez (C2N (CNRS), France) |
Measuring single spin noise with single detected photons.
44 |
Alonso Hernández Antón (CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) |
Optimal control for error mitigation on molecular spin qudits
12 |
Jannis Hesssenauer (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany) |
Rare earth ions in molecular crystals for quantum information application
45 |
Helio Huet (C2N, France) |
Towards scalability of high-rate cluster state generation with a 3D-cavity-enhanced semiconductor quantum dot
46 |
Angel Ibabe Aviles (UAM, Spain) |
Joule heating effects in superconducting InAs nanowire islands
4 |
Donika Imeri (Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, Germany) |
Toward High Fidelity Quantum Networks - Silicon Vacancy Centers in Diamond
47 |
Deon Janse van Rensburg (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Rubidium Atoms in Tweezer Arrays for Hybrid Quantum Computing
17 |
Maksim Lednev (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain) |
A Lindblad master equation capable of describing hybrid quantum systems in the ultra-strong coupling regime
18 |
Hochang Lee (The Affiliated Institute of ETRI, South Korea) |
An Algorithm for Synthesizing Reversible Logic Circuit from Arbitrary Permutations
48 |
Sergio López Baños (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany) |
Transmission expansion planning by quantum annealing
19 |
Miguel Ángel Martínez-García (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) |
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering from a molecular impurity model
49 |
Aitor Moreno Fdez. de Leceta (Ibermática, Spain) |
Q4Real Project (Quantum Computing for Real Industries)
20 |
Javier Oliva del Moral (Universidad de Navarra, Spain) |
Quantum Error Correction Codes with Spin-Qudits
Late 1 |
Pedro Orellana (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) |
Bound states in the continuum and Majorana zero modes in a parallel double quantum dot: Ghost-Fano-Majorana effect
21 |
Adrian Parra-Rodriguez (CSIC, Spain) |
Geometry and Faddeev-Jackiw quantization of electrical networks
5 |
Himanshu Patange (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, France) |
Towards quantum control of an ultracoherent mechanical resonator with a fluxonium qubit
22 |
Iivari Pietikäinen (Palacký University, Czech Republic) |
Controlling ultra-high-quality microwave cavities using noisy auxiliary qubits
6 |
Armando Pinto (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal) |
Quantum Secure Multiparty Computation to Support Genomic Medicine
13 |
Ivan Pinto (ICN2, Spain) |
Noise reduction in FFTs through machine learning algorithms for the study of Ge-based quantum computing devices
50 |
Jasper Postema (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands) |
Gravitational Wave Data Analysis on a Quantum Computer
23 |
Sungguen Ryu (Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos, Spain) |
Periodically driven chiral engine beyond the Carnot limit
51 |
Kishor Vijay Salunkhe (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India) |
Qubit readout with a non-linear cavity coupled to a transmon qubit via direct cross-Kerr coupling
52 |
Gopal Chandra Santra (Heidelberg University (Germany) and University of Trento (Italy), Germany) |
Squeezing and Quantum Approximate Optimization
53 |
Robert Stárek (Palacký University, Czech Republic) |
Measurement-device independent quantum tomography
7 |
Madison Sutula (Harvard University, USA) |
Quantum networking with silicon-vacancy centers in diamond
54 |
Cristian Tabares (Institute of Fundamental Physics (IFF-CSIC), Spain) |
Variational Waveguide-QED Simulators
55 |
Jose Eduardo Urunuela (University of Bonn, Institute of Applied Physics, Germany) |
Rydberg quantum optics in ultracold Ytterbium gases
56 |
Rik van Herk (University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands) |
Hybrid quantum computing with ultracold strontium atoms
8 |
Margarida Vieira (Deimos Engenharia, Portugal) |
DISCRETION: Disruptive SDN enabled by QKD for secure communications for European Defence
57 |
Michele Vischi (University of Trieste, Italy) |
A novel approach to noisy gates for simulating quantum computers
58 |
Alejandro Vivas-Viaña (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC), Spain) |
Cavity-assisted generation of steady-state entanglement between non-identical quantum emitters
59 |
Florian Wallner (Walther-Meißner-Institut, Germany) |
Fast High Fidelity Operation of Fluxonium Qubits
60 |
Jaap Wesdorp (Delft university of technology, The Netherlands) |
Supercurrent-mediated coupling between two Andreev spin qubits: experimental data
61 |
Wenchao Xu (ETH Zurich, Institute for Quantumelectronics, Switzerland) |
Dual-type Dual-element Atom Array for Quantum Computation and Simulation
POSTERS Session II (62) |
70 |
Pedro Alcázar Guerrero (ICN2, Spain) |
Corrugation driven spin relaxation in graphene
102 |
Sergio Ángel Ortega (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) |
Generalized quantum PageRank algorithm with arbitrary phase rotations
84 |
José Balduque Picazo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
The minimal thermoelectric diode
85 |
Daniel Barragan (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) |
Assessing the potential of perfect screw dislocations in SiC for solid-state quantum technologies
111 |
Gianluca Bertaina (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Italy) |
Analysis of spin-squeezing generation in cavity-coupled atomic ensembles with continuous measurements
62 |
Roberto Campos (Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain) |
QMS: Quantum Metropolis Solver
71 |
Ignacio Casal Iglesias (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Half-integer Shapiro steps in the Al shell of hybrid InAs nanowires
103 |
Chong Hian Chee (Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore) |
Efficient Preparation of Ansatz States on Near-Term Quantum Computers for Quantum Chemistry
117 |
Deung-Jang Choi (Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU), Spain) |
Towards Majorana bound states at the edges of spin chains on superconductors
63 |
Adrian Copetudo Espinosa (Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore) |
Efficient State Estimation of Bosonic Modes with Quantum Machine Learning
72 |
Leonardo De Carlo (Luiss Guido Carli di Roma, Italy) |
On magnetic models in wavefunction ensembles
118 |
Antonio de Marti i Olius (Tecnun - University of Navarra, Spain) |
The Recursive MWPM decoder
104 |
Vanessa Dehn (Fraunhofer IAF, Germany) |
Performance of QAOA for Portfolio Optimization
105 |
Pablo Díez-Valle (Instituto de Física Fundamental (IFF-CSIC), Spain) |
Solving constrained optimization problems with multi-objective variational quantum algorithms
73 |
Oliver Dowinton (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Magnetically Controllable Two-Dimensional Spin Transport in a Three-Dimensional Crystal
106 |
Gabriel Escrig (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Parameter estimation of gravitational waves with a quantum metropolis algorithm
93 |
Hilario Espinós Martínez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) |
Polarization transfer to external nuclear spins using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond and surface electron reporter spins
94 |
Diego Fernández de la Pradilla Viso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Vacuum-field-induced state mixings
86 |
David Fernández-Fernández (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), Spain) |
Long-range transfer of hole spin qubits with shortcut-to-adiabaticity methods
95 |
Claudia Galantini (TU/e, The Netherlands) |
Sensing interactions in atomic quantum systems
112 |
Daniel García Pina (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Understanding Localized Spins in Boron-Doped Nanoribbons: Simulating Two Impurities Kondo Effect
113 |
Giorgos Giavaras (CSIC, Spain) |
Supercurrents in full-shell nanowire Josephson junctions
64 |
Sara Giordano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid , Spain) |
Reinforcement Learning Generation of 4-Qubits Entangled States
87 |
Francesco Giorgino (University of Vienna, Austria) |
Multi-photon emission from a resonantly pumped quantum dot
119 |
Lin Han (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Charge tunneling events within hybridized triple quantum dots
74 |
Zahra Khatibi (Trinity College Dublin , Ireland) |
Proximity effects in graphene on alloyed transition metal dichalcogenides
96 |
Daniel Kun (University of Vienna, Austria) |
Direct Detection of Quantum Superposition at a Distance
100 |
Gonzalo Martín Vázquez (University of Oulu, Finland) |
Diagnosing measurement-induced phase transitions without trajectory post-selection through predetermined measurements
114 |
Jorge Martinez Romeral (ICN2, Spain) |
Resilient intraparticle entanglement in graphene
75 |
Mickey Martini (IFW-Dresden, Germany) |
Twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures with controlled Josephson coupling
88 |
Francisco Jesús Matute-Cañadas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Local parity flipping Andreev transitions
76 |
Phillip Mercebach (UAM, Spain) |
Thermal diode effect on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators
77 |
Siddhant Midha (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India) |
Are symmetry protected topological states immune to dephasing?
78 |
Gabriel Moraes Oliveira (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) |
Premature switching currents of the superconducting Al shell in hybrid InAs-Al nanowires
101 |
Alberto Muñoz de las Heras (Instituto de Física Fundamental IFF (CSIC), Spain) |
New avenues for quantum optical simulators
89 |
Giang N. Nguyen (University of Basel, Switzerland) |
Enhanced Spin Coherence in an Optically-Active GaAs Quantum Dot
65 |
Pablo Páez Velasco (ICMAT / UCM, Spain) |
Towards polynomial convergence for Variational Quantum Algorithms using Langevin Dynamics
97 |
Ivan Panadero (Arquimea Reseach Center - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) |
Photon counting statistics in nitrogen vacancy centres
115 |
Carlos Payá Herrero (ICMM, Spain) |
Theory of Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon analogs in full-shell hybrid nanowires
107 |
José Luis Perán Fernández (VASS, Spain) |
Revolutionizing Problem-Solving: The Power of Distributed Quantum Simulation
108 |
Adrián Pérez-Salinas (Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
Reduce-and-chop: Shallow circuits for deeper problems
120 |
Daniel Michel Pino González (Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), Spain) |
Minimal Kitaev-transmon qubit based on double quantum dots
109 |
Georgia Prokopiou (Quantinuum, UK) |
Improved implementation of the Quantum Self-Consistent Equation-of-Motion (Q-SC-EOM) method in INQUANTO
79 |
Prashant Ramesh (C2N, France) |
Origin of the heavy-hole in-plane g-factor in individual annealed InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
66 |
Sebastián Roca-Jerat (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA - CSIC), Spain) |
Quantum machine learning algorithms and its implementation in molecular qudits
121 |
Áron Rozgonyi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary) |
Break-even point of the quantum repetition code
90 |
Rafael Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Nonlocal heat engines with hybrid quantum dot systems
80 |
Daniel Sanchez Portal (Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Haiku graphene nanoribbons with tunable topology: emergence of localized magnetic moments
116 |
Ignacio Sardinero Sanchez (IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Topological superconductivity in a Josephson junction mediated by magnetic domains
98 |
Rebecca Schmieg (Quantop - NBI - UCPH, Denmark) |
Quantum-enhanced magnetic induction tomography
122 |
Llorenç Serra (IFISC, Spain) |
Majorana modes and gauge invariance of NSN junctions of magnetic topological insulators
81 |
Rodrigo Soto Garrido (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile) |
Optical conductivity in the paramagnetic phases of rhombohedral trilayer graphene
91 |
Gorm Ole Steffensen (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Theory of heat transport in dirty Superconductors -Joule Spectroscopy of InAs-Al devices-
82 |
Alexander Stramma (University of Cambridge, UK) |
Optical Polarization of Nuclear Spins via the negatively charged Tin-Vacancy Center in Diamond
83 |
Bilal Tanatar (Bilkent University, Turkey) |
Enhanced optical absorption in heterostructures formed by CdO and SnC monolayers
67 |
Patrycja Tulewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland) |
Synergic generative quantum machine learning
123 |
David van Driel (QuTech/Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Charge Sensing an Andreev Molecule
68 |
Dominik Vasinka (Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic) |
Bidirectional Quantum Control
110 |
Mara Vizzuso (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy) |
Counterdiabatic Corrections to the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
99 |
Yihua Wang (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany) |
Enhancing Spatial Sensitivity of Multiple NV Centers in Diamonds Using Rabi Oscillation
92 |
Jian Zhang (Empa, Switzerland) |
Atomically precise graphene nanoribbons for quantum electronics
69 |
Danilo Zia (Sapienza - università di Roma, Italy) |
Optimization of the Experimental Generation and Measurement of High Dimensional Light States
124 |